IV Vitamin C: Help for Cancer, Learn More

IV Vitamin C and Cancer Seminar Scheduled for October -
Dear Friends and Co-Learners,
We would like to invite you to our "Second Annual Riordan IVC and Cancer Symposium", Oct 8-9, 2010.
This year's Riordan Intravenous Vitamin C (IVC) and Cancer Symposium offers something unique. Beyond focusing on IVC therapy itself, we will take a collective look at how Intravenous Vitamin C has inspired our cancer patients to live a better life.
Quality of life is the ultimate goal of any medical treatment worth its salt. Modern degenerative illnesses often have their genesis in decades of poor lifestyle choices, toxic exposures, high stress and non-whole food diets. The universal underlying mechanism for the resultant diseases is simply uncontrolled systemic inflammation. Cancer is no exception.
In order to turn cancer around and restore our patient's quality of life, they will need to choose a better way of life. Intravenous Vitamin C is a beginning point, not an end of itself. It is a fire hose to put out the raging fire, but it is no substitute for the lifestyle changes our cancer patients will need to adopt in order to sustain their health improvements.
The choice for an anticancer lifestyle is initiated and facilitated by the hope that is spawned from the radical benefits that an intensive IVC/ nutritional intervention can offer. Our 2nd Annual Riordan IVC Symposium will focus on this renewed quality of life that IVC therapy patients experience...an experience that often leads them to refocus their life choices on a new and better way of living.
It is a journey from despair to hope...from neglect to better self care...from disease to health. Please join us as we explore this crucial (but too often neglected) phase of the recovery from cancer.
For more information about the Symposium or to register, please call1-800-447-7276 or visit: http://www.riordanclinic.org/symposium.shtml
Ron Hunninghake, MD 
Chief Medical Officer
Riordan Clinic
33100 N. Hillside Ave. - Wichita, KS 67219 - (316) 682-3100

Some of the 30+ vitamin C posts on Natural Health News
Jul 20, 2010
In a study designed to assess the use and safety of high-dose intravenous (IV) vitamin C administration by complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) practitioners, the authors found that a) high-dose IV vitamin C is widely used by ...
Jul 01, 2010
Vitamin A - Through its concentration of beta-carotene, Watermelon supplies a rich source of Vitamin A, another cancer fighting anti-oxidant along with Lycopene and Vitamin C. A cup of Watermelon supplies your body with over 10% of its ...
Jul 24, 2009
I recently cured myself and my wife using that "miracle drug" vitamin C, and I posted an article "What Doctors Don't Know". This article is scheduled to appear in the Holistic Health Magazine in September. It is reprinted below. ...
Aug 08, 2009
Patrick Holford notes that in his June 2005 newsletter he interviewed Dr Thomas Levy, who has provided the definitive proof in his book ' Vitamin C, Infectious Diseases and Toxins: Curing the Incurable'. ...

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